Located in the Guamuhaya or Sierra del Escambray mountains, about 800 meters above sea level, from which to enjoy views of extraordinarily beautiful pine tree forests.
Topes de Collantes
This park is very close to the city of Trinidad and the San Luis and Ingenios Valleys, both declared World Cultural Heritage sites by UNESCO in 1988.
A high number of endemic species of flora and fauna means that Topes de Collantesis of high scientific value, and there are a number of different paths and routes that allow you to discover the beauty of its landscape and the songs of its birds. The rivers create deep valleys in the mountains, and their unevenness has given rise to impressive waterfalls, among them Caburní.
Beautiful vegetation surrounds the falls, where the tocororo (priotelustemnurus), the national bird, is found in its natural habitat. The tocororo has the same colors as the Cuban flag: blue, red and white. The freshness of the cliffs also creates perfect conditions for the growth of the national flower: the white garland-lily (HedychiumCoronariumKoenig).
Topes de Collantes is located about 15 kilometers from the city of Trinidad, founded in 1514 by Adelantado Diego Velázquez, and about 310 kilometers east of Havana.
Its climate is exceptional, with a temperature that oscillates between 16 and 25 degrees Celsius. This microclimate helps create a habitat for more than 100 species of birds, among them 45 percent of the endemic bird species in the country. These conditions and features led to the creation of the Topes de CollantesNational Park, later being named a Natural Protected Landscape by the National Center for Protected Areas. It has caves, narrow fast-flowing rivers, and beautiful waterfalls such as Vegas Grandes.
Annual headquarters of the Digital Nature Photography Contest.